Modern Chlorination Chemistry

02 September 2021

Event overview

Introduction of the chlorine atom into organic molecules is of fundamental importance to the chemical industry. In the fine chemical, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries organochlorine intermediates and building block are frequently used to facilitate synthesis, but quite often end up in the complex architecture of drugs and, sometimes controversially, agricultural chemicals. Over 250 FDA approved chlorine-containing drugs are on the market, with every chlorine atom strategically incorporated to maximise the clinical benefit of the hard-won molecule. Selective introduction of the chlorine atom has therefore become an active area of research and development, both academically and industrially.

This webinar looked in detail at the some of the innovative synthetic chemistry developed in this area, including chlorination at scale and recent additions to the state of the art.

The webinar was presented by Dr John Studley, Scientific Update.


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Modern Chlorination Chemistry

02 September 2021

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