Chemical Development & Scale-Up in the Fine Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries
Event overview
We are delighted to present our popular Chemical Development Course online, this three day course will be divided up over six afternoon sessions, timings are all set in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and are set later to help with our international clients.
The course will be run over 6 online Sessions, 18 hours of training on the following dates and times:
Wednesday, January 17th | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Thursday, January 18th | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Friday, January 19th | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Monday, January 22nd | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Tuesday, January 23rd | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Wednesday, January 24th | 2.00pm – 5.00pm GMT
Chemical process development is generally not taught as part of degree courses in higher education; the conversion of a synthetic route used for making milligram or gram quantities of a chemical into a process for manufacturing multi-kilogram and tonne quantities is typically learnt “on the job” by chemists in industry.
For many years, little chemical development work was published in the literature, until the establishment of the Organic Process R & D journal by Dr Trevor Laird (Founder of Scientific Update). Even now, “tricks of the trade” are handed down within individual company organisations, and it can be difficult to gain an awareness of what is involved in chemical development, and of the skills and techniques required to efficiently scale up chemical processes.
This three-day course, written and presented by highly experienced process chemists from the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry, provides a comprehensive foundational overview of this fascinating and important element of the chemical industry. A logical investigative approach to all aspects of chemical development is described, with an abundance of case studies from literature, conferences and private communications. The multi-disciplinary nature of chemical development is emphasised, from the initial interaction with laboratory research scientists to the vital partnership with chemical engineers in the pilot plant and in the production environment. The lectures are interspersed with interactive problem sessions, enabling participants to share in the problem solving and troubleshooting typically experienced during chemical development.
Course Outline
- The purpose of chemical development
Synthetic Route Discovery
- Route design
- Selecting the best route for scale-up
- Choice of raw materials, reagents etc
- Costing of Chemical Processes
- Raw materials
- Overheads
- Context
The Investigative Approach to Chemical Development
- Optimising Chemical Reactions
- Making processes robust
- Minimising scale-up difficulties
Solvent Effects
- Often overlooked
- Key to making a modest process a great process
Statistical Methods of Optimisation
- Vital, but under-utilised
- Design of Experiments
- Simplex
- Factorial design
Analytical Issues
- In Process Control
- Quality Control and Specification Setting
- Regulatory Guidelines
- GMP, Validation
- Use of analysis to aid process optimisation
Work Up
- Product isolation
Planning for Scale-Up
- Key points to consider
Appreciation of Chemical Engineering Principles
- Mass Transfer
- Mixing
- Heat Transfer
- Kinetics
Crystallisation and Polymorphism
- Particle size control
- Polymorph control
- Methods of analysis
- Crystallisation of chiral compounds
New and Emerging Technologies in Process R&D
- Microwave chemistry
- Continuous flow chemistry
- Process intensification
Thermal Hazard Testing and Runaway Reactions
- Essential process safety considerations
- Equipment and screening approaches
Effluent Minimisation and Control
- Environmental considerations
- Cost considerations
- Green chemistry
Benefits of Attending
- A logical investigative approach to chemical development and optimisation.
- An insight into the factors involved in development and scale-up.
- An appreciation of chemical engineering concepts, particularly mixing, heat transfer and process control.
- A preliminary knowledge of statistical methods of optimisation.
- Improved ability to decide which parts of the chemical process to examine in detail
- Ideas for efficient resource allocation
- Improved troubleshooting and problem solving ability
Who Should Attend
- Young Chemists who have just started work in industry as development chemists
- Organic Chemists/Medicinal Chemists in Research and Development who would like to gain an appreciation of development and scale up and who are perhaps contemplating moving into chemical development.
- Development and Production Chemists in industry who would like to improve their efficiency and gain an insight into alternative approaches to chemical development.
- Chemical Engineers who wish to understand a chemist’s approach to chemical development of batch processes. (Engineers would, however, need a good grounding in organic chemistry)
- Students who are about to enter the industry and can obtain company sponsorship.
- Experienced Chemists looking to refresh and/or augment their knowledge of chemical development
- Analytical Chemists who wish to gain a broader appreciation of process chemistry
- Managers who might benefit from a comprehensive and up to date overview of chemical development
What's Included
The course fee includes:
- all six sections of the course
- course certificate at the end
- e-reader version of the manual
You will have the option of obtaining a hard copy of the manual and this will be sent via the post to you and has an additional postage cost. Please note recordings of any sessions will not be shared.
Chemical Development & Scale-Up in the Fine Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries
I have been working as a process development chemist for the last 4 years, having a long background in organic synthesis at gram scale. This course has put in order all the tips I have learned by experience and more, it has given me a new point of view on how to simplify processes to the most.
Online Chemical Development, October 2020
Great course, very helpful for many entry-level process chemists.
Online Chemical Development, October 2020
The lecturers have a big knowledge of Process Chemistry and share it with passion!
Online Chemical Development, October 2020
Fee info
E-Reader: Included
Printed Copy: £120.00 + P&P

View Course Brochure
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