Application of F-low Chemistry in the Synthesis of Fluorinated Intermediates

15 July 2021

Event overview

Organofluorine compounds are frequently encountered in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fine chemical industries. Often the selective introduction of a fluorine atom or functional group into a molecule can be challenging, particularly at scale, with chemists often designing synthetic routes in which fluorine is introduced through strategic sourcing of raw materials rather than synthetically.

The development of continuous processing and flow chemistry has enabled exquisite control of heat transfer and mixing in fast and challenging synthetic processes, including the introduction of fluorine. In this webinar I will review the application of flow chemistry in the synthesis of fluorinated molecules, highlighting areas where flow chemistry has been used to tackle the challenges associated with introduction of this unique element.

This webinar was presented by Dr John Studley, Scientific Update.  Our thanks to Valliscor for their sponsorship.


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Application of F-low Chemistry in the Synthesis of Fluorinated Intermediates

15 July 2021

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