Chemistry’s Tight-Knit Network: Discovering Unexpected Connections and Building Bonds at Conferences
Dr.Bec Newton shares her insights on networking for chemists
If you’ve ever been at any gathering of chemists, you’ll no doubt have experienced someone proclaiming “It’s a small world!” after realising they have a shared connection with a stranger. Whereas it may take actors six connections to link back to Kevin Bacon (a riff on the idea that all people are six degrees of separation apart), in my experience chemists are much closer.
Take this week’s OPRD conference. Whilst waiting outside the Pilsner Urquell Experience (our fun conference social), I started chatting to a guy I was stood next to. We’d never met before but a bit later, we started chatting again. He’s a Brit, same as me. I clocked his accent (Yorkshire, in case you were wondering). My partner is from near Halifax, I said. Him too! After discussing Yorkshire, we moved onto our jobs. I’ve just recently joined Scientific Update so he was asking about my role. I explained I’d been a lab chemist for the last 25 years. Turns out we both worked at GSK in Stevenage. I left in 2003; he started in 2003. “Do you know so-and-so?”. “Yeah, I used to share an office with him!” etc etc. The next day we’d connected on LinkedIn – turns out I know his wife via a lab kit demo from a few years ago!!!
When I was younger, the idea of ‘networking’ at a conference used to fill me with dread. For anyone who feels the same, strike up a conversation. I bet it won’t take long before you alight on a common connection. Attending face-to-face events, such as conferences, is a really lovely way to meet new people and hear their experiences. Something we do at Scientific Update is ask our speakers to provide a bio slide – some bits about education and career, but other things too about hobbies and interests. As one of the organisers, my bio slide was also available. As a result, three strangers approached me to talk about such diverse topics as campervanning, my love of Nintendo, and to say their partner worked at my previous job and did I know him? As easy at that, three conversations start and new connections are made.
Chemistry brings people together in surprising ways—don’t miss the chance to make new connections at your next event. Whether through shared experiences or common interests, it’s a small world for chemists!