We are delighted to announce a new event ‘Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry’ (EWOC Europe) which will take place at AstraZeneca’s Macclesfield site on Thursday 11th June 2020. This is a ‘not-for-profit’ event but due to attendee number restrictions, we will be charging a nominal fee (£75 industry / £20* academia) to cover catering costs and materials – this fee will be returned to any academic* who pays and attends the event in full.
The meeting is aimed primarily at women organic chemists from both academia and industry, but we welcome and encourage men who play a supporting role in women’s career development to attend.
The programme consists of 5 plenary speakers giving technical presentations from both academia and industry, an open session where we are inviting applications to give a 15 minute presentation (details below), Breakout sessions on a variety of topics we feel are important to women and a poster competition, where we invite presentations from female PhD students. You can see the Draft programme here: Programme and Breakout Session Schedule
Attend | simply register using the following LINK we will initially be limiting the number of places per company / institution to 4 due to limited spaces at the venue.
ORAL Presentation | Deliver a 15 minute presentation on your work – this is open to any female PhD student or Graduate with up to 2 years experience in industry.
POSTER Competition | this is open to any female PhD student.
Submissions | either follow this LINK and use the ‘Abstracts tab’ or send your submission (a short abstract on your presentation / poster) to Dr Claire Francis: [email protected]
Deadline | Friday 10th April 2020
Decisions | All applicants will be notified of our decisions before May 10th 2020.
*The academic fee is £20 +vat, this will be refunded in the form of a £20 Amazon voucher to all academics who have paid upfront and attend the event in full.
EWOC Europe is a sister event of EWOC, which took place in Philadelphia, USA in 2019. EWOC Europe is supported by the organisations below. We welcome further sponsorship / support, so please contact Claire Francis, if you’d like to get involved.
Please help us to promote this event amongst your colleagues.
EWOC Europe would like to thank the following organisations for their support: