3rd Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference
Event overview
This event is aimed at enabling networking with industry, academia, women and allies at different career stages, scientific presentations and motivational workshops on themes relevant to women and allies undertaking a career in Organic Chemistry.
Following the success of a US event ‘Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry’ (EWOC), which first took place 2019, a group of scientists in Europe decided to organise a similar initiative as a ‘sister’ event, which was held at the Manchester Conference Centre in June 2023 and in Birmingham in June 2024.
Recent data and publications show a persistent lack of women pursuing and maintaining careers in Organic Chemistry. Evidence indicates that providing an opportunity for women to meet, network, and share scientific and career strategies is one effective approach to encourage women to enter and maintain careers in science.
This is a not-for-profit event, supported through sponsorship and industrial registration fees.
- Registration is €50 to academics / students in Organic Chemistry at a European University / Institution
- Industrial Participants can benefit from Early Bird Registration fee of €300 if you book before March 3rd 2025
Please scroll down to view our sponsor and information about:
- Academic and Young Chemists Oral presentation and Poster Competition
- Inspirational Career Development Talks
- Market Place
Academic and Young Industrial Chemists Present a Paper and Poster Competition
The EWOC Committee would like to invite scientists to present their work at the above conference. The aim is to provide a forum for talented women chemists to present their work to an international audience. There will be 2 short oral presentations (15 minutes each plus questions) and a poster presentation session.
This award is open to any women chemist either studying towards a PhD in Chemistry at a European University or to Young Academics or Industrialists with 1-5 years in their career (including postdoctoral researchers). Exceptions can be made for those with extenuating circumstances, such as career breaks or non-traditional career paths, please contact the organising committee.
Application forms will be used to identify 2 successful candidates to attend the above conference and present their work. You may be invited to present a poster if not short-listed for the 15-minute presentation.
Deadline for Submissions | February 28th, 2025
Entries must be made electronically, in confidence to Dr Claire Francis: [email protected] on or before 28th February 2025.
Successful applicants will be informed by March 28th, 2025.
Further Information
Dr Claire Francis, Scientific Update Ltd, Basepoint Enterprise Centre, Pine Grove, Crowborough, East Sussex. TN6 1DH. Tel: +44 (0) 1892 956222. Email: [email protected]
All information provided on this entry will be treated in the strictest confidence. It will be used solely for the purpose of judging.
Small Print
All applicants must attend the event in full and participate in the presentations and poster session. The 15-minute presentations will be requested in advance – details will be sent to successful applicants. This award does not include any travel or accommodation bursary, but you can request assistance if required.
Inspirational Career Development Talk
Fanning the Flame of Female Leadership in Research
Tatjana Ross, Merck Healthcare
EWOC Europe 2023 and 2024 Conferences
Now in our third year of running this fantastic conference, click below to view the previous conference programmes
2023 Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe
2024 Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe
Event speakers




Interested in sponsoring an event?
If you are interested in Sponsoring this event we still have some great sponsorship opportunities available at the conference. See our sponsorship section on the advantages that sponsorship can bring to your business or contact Dr Claire Francis at [email protected]
Why exhibit?
- Meet delegates from key international companies
- Interact directly with senior scientists, department heads and key decision-makers
- Ability to demonstrate your company’s products or services
The conferences are designed to provide exhibitors with the maximum time to network with delegates.
Other Information
Benefits of Attending
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD ) keeps you up to date on current and emerging developments
- Learn from a wide range of chemistry case studies given by hand-picked speakers
- Take home relevant ideas and information that are directly applicable to your own work
- Meet and network with the key people in the industry in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
General Information
Registration includes:
- Attendance at all the sessions
- Lunch & refreshments
- Unlimited access to the marketplace
- Place at the networking poster session
- FREE Technical Presentation or Poster – by APPLICATION
Recent data and publications show a persistent lack of women pursuing and maintaining careers in Organic Chemistry. Evidence indicates that providing an opportunity for women to meet, network, and share scientific and career strategies is one effective approach to encourage women to enter and maintain careers in science.
A team of US scientists had a vision of an annual meeting of women (students, post-docs, faculty, and professionals) who work or plan to work in the field of Organic Chemistry broadly defined, from all types of institutions (academic, industry, biotech, non-profit and government). A meeting was developed to consist of both science and career topics to provide support and guidance for the next generation of women chemists, as well as provide opportunities for professionals to learn up-to-date science, network, and share experiences.
Their goals were to (1) establish a peer group network for collaborating and recruiting; (2) afford a novel mechanism to provide advice and counsel for women organic chemists; (3) provide guidance to graduate students and post-docs making career decisions; and (4) provide community support to enhance retention of women in chemistry. This first meeting was EWOC 2019, held on Friday, June 28, 2019, at the University of Pennsylvania. The event was a huge success with 175 attendees from all over the USA.
EWOC is dedicated to equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion. We strive to provide a harassment-free experience for everyone. All communication should be professional; hate speech will not be tolerated.
EWOC Europe is a ‘Not-for-Profit’ event being sponsored and organised by Scientific Update in conjunction with a committee of supporting companies. In order to make the event affordable for students / academics and for a reasonable fee for industrial attendees, we are requesting sponsorship to cover the venue and workshop costs.
The levels of sponsorship will be acknowledged on the event promotion, conference programme and via signage at the event. Companies choosing the Platinum, Gold and Silver options, will be offered a table top in our ‘Marketplace’ – which is a non-commercial area where attendees can get support, career advice and information.
Conference Sponsorship Opportunities EWOC Europe 2025
EWOC Europe Steering Committee
Isabel Barker, Syngenta
Olivia Boyd, MSD
Lydia Cox, Novo Nordisk
Rob Crook, CatSci
Coura Diene, AstraZeneca
Claire Francis, Scientific Update
Cristina Garcia Morales, AstraZeneca
Katherine Hazel, Cancer Research Horizons
Catherine Holden, Exscientia
Fahima Idris, GlaxoSmithKline
Sonja Kamptmann, Novartis
Hannah May, Scientific Update
Katherine Wheelhouse, GlaxoSmithKline
Academic Bursaries
We are hoping to have some funding available to support a few students with travel / accommodation bursaries. Please contact us nearer the time to apply.
In the meantime, the RSC do have some funding available as follows – deadline for travel grants is January 27th, 2025:
- General: https://www.rsc.org/prizes-funding/funding/find-funding/?page=1&order=&keyword=&ml=&fi=&lo=&ca=&ac=96&open=
- Researcher development and travel grant: https://www.rsc.org/prizes-funding/funding/find-funding/researcher-development-travel-grant/
- Accessibility Grant: https://www.rsc.org/prizes-funding/funding/find-funding/accessibility-grants/
- Grants for carers (to cover costs of attending a scientific meeting): https://www.rsc.org/prizes-funding/funding/find-funding/grants-for-carers/
If this section is not loading, please click here to register.
Prefer a booking form?
Download our booking form and return it to us by email.
Download Booking Form3rd Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference
Speaking as a male attendee I think this conference is fantastic. Being in a women's conference really made me understand how difficult it is to speak out when the whole room is dominated by the opposite sex, and I think more men should acknowledge the difficulty they face on a day to day basis. I am incredibly impressed by the high quality work presented by the poster presenters and speakers, there is no question that I will be attending the next EWOC conference!
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2023
Amazing experience, and such a good representation from women.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2023
EWOC 2023 was a well organised and motivational event
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2023
I really enjoyed the conference, one of my favourite bits was the speed dating (even though I find networking hard). It was really nice to talk to lots of students about chemistry/life and chat to different people.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
I would highly recommend going to the conference no matter your gender and background, it was a great and really positive atmosphere. All the topics were applicable to men and I felt like I learnt a lot; it was quite eye opening being in the minority.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
Attending EWOC Europe 2024 was an incredibly enriching experience. The event brought together a large group of inspiring women who connected over their scientific knowledge, career insights, experiences and desire for a more gender-balanced, fairer future for chemists and researchers in all STEM-related fields. This conference surely provided plenty of networking opportunities to shape the career of students and early career researchers.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
It was the first time I attended a conference with more women than men, and I really liked the spirit and the well-balanced mix of attendees from academia and industry.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
EWOC Europe 2024 was an amazing experience, the quality of the speakers/presentation is undoubtably top cut. The second day allowed for more networking opportunities and I think this was the best improvement from last year. This conference is on par with international conferences and is definitely worth going to, men and allies included!
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
This event is so inspiring and uplifting and I'm really proud to have been a part of it.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
It was really nice to be in a room surrounded by powerful women who support each other. I met lots of new people and had a safe space to discuss the challenges we face in the industry. The speakers this year presented great research and were really inspiring while talking about their journeys towards their careers. Already looking forward to next year.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
The best thing about EWOC is having the experience of being in a room full of women, which for most chemists is unusual. Additionally, experiencing such a high quality of scientific presentations from an all-female agenda. I really benefit from hearing from women scientists who all have such varied research backgrounds and paths into their current positions. These conversations about what inspired them and led to them being where they are now are so useful and interesting.
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024
I really enjoyed attending EWOC 2024! It was fantastic being able to network with my peers and being able to listen to such strong and inspiring women in research and in non-research roles. I particularly liked the panel discussion - the panel were so open about their answers and made me realise that as women, we often face similar challenges in STEM. It has been a very motivating conference and I hope I'll be back again next year!
Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Europe Conference 2024

View our provisional programme
Fee info
Venue info
4056 Basel
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